Category Archives: News & Events

MPICH Turns 21!

This November, the MPICH team celebrates the 21st anniversary of the project. In November 1992, the project began with the name being finalized later in March 1993. It began as a reference implementation for the new MPI Standard. Since then, … Continue reading

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MPICH 3.1rc2 Released

The MPICH team is pleased to announce the availability of a new preview release (mpich-3.1rc2). This is a release candidate of the upcoming MPICH 3.1, and adds several capabilities including a fully integrated source for vanilla MPICH and the IBM … Continue reading

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MPICH 3.1rc1 Released

The MPICH team is pleased to announce the availability of a new preview release: 3.1rc1. This is a release candidate of the upcoming MPICH 3.1, and adds several capabilities including a fully integrated source for vanilla MPICH and the IBM … Continue reading

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MPICH 3.1b1 Released

A new preview release of MPICH, 3.1b1, is now available for download. This preview release is the first in a new major version series in mpich (3.1.x), and adds several capabilities including a fully integrated source for vanilla MPICH and … Continue reading

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MPICH 3.0.4 Released

A new stable release of MPICH, 3.0.4, is now available for download. This release adds several performance features for the Hydra process manager, support for communicator-specific tuning of eager/rendezvous thresholds, and fixes several bugs present in 3.0.3. Please use this … Continue reading

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MPICH 3.0.3 Released

A new stable release of MPICH, 3.0.3, is now available for download. This release adds several performance features for MPI-RMA and fixes several bugs present in 3.0.2. Please use this release instead of 3.0.2.

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MPICH 3.0.2 Released

A new stable release of MPICH, 3.0.2, is now available for download. This release fixes several bugs present in 3.0.1. Please use this release instead of 3.0.1.

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Over 100 Million MPI Processes with MPICH

Researchers at University of British Columbia (UBC) have successfully executed MPI programs with over 100 million MPI processes on an MPICH derivative known as “Fine-Grain MPI”, or FG-MPI.

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MPICH 3.0.1 Released

A new stable release of MPICH, 3.0.1, is now available for download. This release fixes a major hydra bug that was present in MPICH 3.0. Please use this release instead of 3.0.

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MPICH 3.0 Released

This release contains a bug in hydra, which is fixed by 3.0.1. Please use 3.0.1 instead. A new stable release of MPICH, 3.0, is now available for download. The primary focus of this release is to provide full support for … Continue reading

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