Category Archives: News & Events

MPICH2-1.1a2 released (Nov. 16th, 2008)

A new version of MPICH2, 1.1a2, has been released. This is an experimental pre-release intended for developers and advanced MPICH2 users. It has a number of new features including MPI 2.1 support, BG/P, an entirely new TCP communication method, SMP … Continue reading

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MPICH2-1.0.8 released (Oct. 24th, 2008)

A new version of MPICH2, 1.0.8, has been released. It has several new features, bug fixes, and code cleanup. See the CHANGES for details. We recommend all users using older 1.0.X releases of MPICH2 to upgrade to this version.

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EuroPVM/MPI ’08 Outstanding Paper (Aug. 30th, 2008)

Members of the MPICH2 group are authors/coauthors of a total of six papers selected for EuroPVM/MPI 2008, one of which was selected as an “Outstanding Paper”. The paper, “Non-Data-Communication Overheads in MPI: Analysis on Blue Gene/P” by Pavan Balaji, Anthony … Continue reading

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MPICH2-1.1a1 released (Aug. 9th, 2008)

A new version of MPICH2, 1.1a1, has been released. This is an experimental pre-release intended for developers and advanced MPICH2 users. It has a number of new features including MPI 2.1 support, BG/P and an entirely new TCP communication method. … Continue reading

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MPICH2-1.0.7 released (Apr. 2nd, 2008)

A new version of MPICH2, 1.0.7, has been released. It has several new features, bug fixes, and code cleanup. See the CHANGES file for details. We recommend that you upgrade to this version if you are using an older version … Continue reading

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… and We Have A Winner! (Nov. 16th, 2007)

MPICH2 (Argonne National Laboratory), in collaboration with mpiBLAST (Virginia Tech), landed the SC|07 Storage Challenge Award at SC|07 in Reno, NV for their entry entitled ParaMEDIC: Parallel Metadata Environment for Distributed I/O and Computing. The team included Pavan Balaji (ANL), … Continue reading

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Two Papers selected as “Outstanding” at EuroPVM/MPI 2007 (Oct. 3rd, 2007)

Members of the MPICH2 group are authors/coauthors of a total of six papers selected for EuroPVM/MPI 2007, two of which were selected as “Outstanding Papers”. The first paper, “Self-consistent MPI Performance Requirements” by Jesper Larsson Traff, William Gropp, and Rajeev … Continue reading

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Supercomputing 2007 Storage Challenge Finalist (Oct. 1st, 2007)

MPICH2 (Argonne National Laboratory) and mpiBLAST (Virginia Tech) collaborate using the ParaMEDIC framework to land a finalist slot in the SC|07 storage challenge. MPICH2 powers ParaMEDIC (short for Parallel Metadata Environment for Distributed I/O and Computing) allowing it to accelerate … Continue reading

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