Category Archives: News & Events

MPICH2-1.3a1 released (Feb 11th, 2010)

A new feature preview release of MPICH2, 1.3a1, is now available to download. This marks the start of a new major release series that includes several new features and optimizations, including a new default process manager Hydra (replacing MPD). This … Continue reading

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MPICH2-1.2.1 released (Nov 18th, 2009)

A new stable version of MPICH2, 1.2.1, has been released. This is primarily a bug fix release that fixes several issues with MX and Hydra, adds Valgrind support for debugging builds, support for the hwloc process binding library and others.

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MPICH2-1.2.1rc1 released (Nov 10th, 2009)

A release candidate for the next version of MPICH2, 1.2.1, has been released. This is primarily a bug fix release. The release candidate is meant for early trials.

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MPICH2-1.2 released (Oct 6th, 2009)

A new stable version of MPICH2, 1.2, has been released. It includes MPI-2.2 support, several bug fixes, and code cleanup. We recommend all users using older releases of MPICH2 to upgrade to this version.

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EuroPVM/MPI ’09 Outstanding Papers (Sep. 10th, 2009)

Members of the MPICH2 group are authors/coauthors of a total of five papers and two posters selected for EuroPVM/MPI 2009, two of which were selected as an “Outstanding Papers”. One of these two papers studies the implications of scaling MPI … Continue reading

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MPICH2-1.1.1p1 released (Aug 7th, 2009)

A patch release of MPICH2, 1.1.1p1 has been released. This release fixes several bugs present in the previous stable release, 1.1.1 . We recommend all users of MPICH2 to upgrade to this version.

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MPICH2-1.1 released (Jun 2nd, 2009)

A new stable version of MPICH2, 1.1, has been released. It has several new features, bug fixes, and code cleanup. The new features include MPI 2.1 support, BG/P support, an entirely new TCP communication method, SMP aware collective operations, and … Continue reading

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MPICH2-1.1rc1 released (May 18th, 2009)

A release candidate for Version 1.1 has been released.

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MPICH2-1.0.8p1 released (Mar 26th, 2009)

A new patch has been released for the current stable version of MPICH2, 1.0.8p1. This fixes an MPI-I/O build issue with the latest release of PVFS2, bug fixes for IA64 platforms and fixes for MPICH2 over Myrinet GM.

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MPICH2-1.1b1 released (Mar 18th, 2009)

A new version of MPICH2, 1.1b1, has been released. This is a pre-release in the MPICH2-1.1 series, including support for the Myrinet MX network module, improved shared-memory collectives as well as regular collective communication, and support for a new and … Continue reading

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