Category Archives: Left Box

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MPICH 3.2a2 released

A new preview release of MPICH, 3.2a2, is now available for download. This preview release adds several capabilities including support for the proposed MPI-3.1 standard (contains nonblocking collective I/O), full Fortran 2008 support (enabled by default), support for the Mellanox … Continue reading

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MPICH 3.1.3 released

The MPICH team is pleased to announce the availability of a new stable release, mpich-3.1.3. This is a stable release that adds several enhancements to Portals4 support, PAMI, RMA, and ROMIO. It also contains a large number of bug fixes. … Continue reading

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MPICH 3.2a1 released

A new preview release of MPICH, 3.2a1, is now available for download. This preview release is the first in a new major version series in mpich (3.2.x), and adds several capabilities including full Fortran 2008 support (enabled by default), support … Continue reading

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MPICH 3.1.2 released

A new stable release of MPICH, 3.1.2, is now available for download. This release contains significant enhancements to the BG/Q device, especially for RMA and shared memory functionality. It also contains enhancements to ROMIO and upgrades hwloc to 1.9.  In addition, it updates its … Continue reading

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MPICH 3.1.1 released

The MPICH team is pleased to announce the availability of a new stable release (mpich-3.1.1). This is a stable release that adds several capabilities including Blue Gene/Q implementation supports for MPI-3, experimental Fortran 2008 bindings, significant rework of MPICH library … Continue reading

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MPICH 3.1 released

The MPICH team is pleased to announce the availability of a new stable release (mpich-3.1). This is a new major release that adds several capabilities including full binary (ABI) compatibility with Intel MPI 5.0, an integrated MPICH-PAMID code base for … Continue reading

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MPICH 3.1rc4 released

The MPICH team is pleased to announce the availability of a new preview release (mpich-3.1rc4). This is a release candidate of the upcoming MPICH 3.1, and adds several capabilities including a fully integrated source for vanilla MPICH and the IBM … Continue reading

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MPICH 3.1rc3 Released

The MPICH team is pleased to announce the availability of a new preview release (mpich-3.1rc3). This is a release candidate of the upcoming MPICH 3.1, and adds several capabilities including a fully integrated source for vanilla MPICH and the IBM … Continue reading

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MPICH BoF Slides from SC13 Available

We had a successful Birds-of-a-Feather session at SC13 this year.  Rajeev Thakur, Pavan Balaji and Rusty Lusk from the MPICH group announced the MPICH ABI Compatibility Initiative. This BoF also provided a forum for users of MPICH as well as developers of … Continue reading

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MPICH ABI Compatibility Initiative Announced at SC13

The MPICH Birds-of-a-Feather session at SC13 saw the announcement of the MPICH ABI Compatibility Initiative. The goal of the initiative is for all participating implementations to be binary compatible, and to agree on a schedule for necessary ABI changes in … Continue reading

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